Ao conversar com uma amiga pelo msn falamos sobre a situaçao da geraçao presente e como as drogas a estão afetando negativamente. Dentro deste assunto surgiu varios outros como a falta de limites dados pelos pais e a influência da mídia e dos grupos "in" que subjulgam os "caretas" e os fazem parecer ridiculos...
Não posso negar o lado ruim das drogas e todos os males que elas trazem consigo, porém o que realmente me incomoda é o discurso pronto dos "caretas" e as suas soluções para evitar que outras pessos se percam e façam as escolhas erradas.
Apenas criar slogans como "drogas blah!" ou "drogas to fora!" vai tirar alguém do seu vício?! Me parece que sempre se escolhem as alternativas mais simplistas e tolas para combater algo extremamente forte quanto um vício. Outra coisa que me parece tosca é tentar negar o prazer que as drogas proporcionam... Se fosse realmente horrível será que alguém usaria extasy, maconha, ou qualquer outra coisa do tipo!? Se o álcool realmente fosse horrível alguém o beberia, ou melhor criaria profissões somente para analizar tais bebidas como os sommelier?!
Não sei o caminho correto, nem é minha intenção direcionar alguém a algum lugar, mas acredito que cada caso é um caso e generalizações não são boas para situações como estas, mesmo porque cada pessoa precisa ser tratada individualmente, mesmo que algumas situaçoes possam ser observadas em diferentes vidas... Se não identificarmos o que relamente leva as pessoas para o vício poderemos ficar colando diversos cartazes com frases prontas que nada vai mudar... isso se o viciado quiser realmente que algo mude, só assim poderá ter o controle denovo nas mãos...
When chatting with a friend by msn we were talking about situation of the present generation and how the drugs are affecting it. Inside this subject several others had came up such as the lack of limits given by the parents and the influence of the media and by some "updated" groups that judges the "outdated" and make them look ridiculous...
I can not deny the bad side of drugs and all the evils that they bring with them, but what really bothers me is the already made discourse of the "outdated" and their solutions to prevent other people to get lost and make wrong choices.
Just creating slogans like "drugs blah!" or "drugs I'm out!" will take someone out of the drugs?! It seems that they always choose the most simplistic and foolish alternative to fight an extremely strong as an addiction. Another thing that looks absurd to me is the clumsy attempt to deny the pleasure that drugs can provide ... If it was really horrible why would someone may use extasy, marijuana, or anything or any other drug!? If alcohol were truly horrible would someone still be drinking it, or create jobs only to analyze such beverages as the sommeliers?!
I don't know the correct path, nor is it my intent to direct someone somewhere, but I believe that each case is different and generalizations are not good for situations like these, only because each person must be treated individually, even though some situations may be equally observed in different lives ... If we can't identify what really leads people to addiction, we may be posting various set phrases that nothing will change ... the addict has to really want to change, so he can have the control in his hands again...
I can not deny the bad side of drugs and all the evils that they bring with them, but what really bothers me is the already made discourse of the "outdated" and their solutions to prevent other people to get lost and make wrong choices.
Just creating slogans like "drugs blah!" or "drugs I'm out!" will take someone out of the drugs?! It seems that they always choose the most simplistic and foolish alternative to fight an extremely strong as an addiction. Another thing that looks absurd to me is the clumsy attempt to deny the pleasure that drugs can provide ... If it was really horrible why would someone may use extasy, marijuana, or anything or any other drug!? If alcohol were truly horrible would someone still be drinking it, or create jobs only to analyze such beverages as the sommeliers?!
I don't know the correct path, nor is it my intent to direct someone somewhere, but I believe that each case is different and generalizations are not good for situations like these, only because each person must be treated individually, even though some situations may be equally observed in different lives ... If we can't identify what really leads people to addiction, we may be posting various set phrases that nothing will change ... the addict has to really want to change, so he can have the control in his hands again...
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